At Scott Smith Orthodontics, we know what it's like to be a teenager. That is why we are excited to announce that we use Invisalign for teens, a virtually invisible treatment option that allows teens to get straight teeth without anyone noticing.
What is Invisalign for teens?
Invisalign for teens is the version of Invisalign that is designed specifically for teenagers. The clear plastic aligners are virtually invisible so none of your friends will know you're having treatment - unless you tell them of course.
The aligners work just the same as the adult version of Invisalign does. They sit over your teeth like a thin sports mouth guard and gradually move your teeth into a straighter position. You just need to remember to change the aligners as directed by the Dental Monitoring app, as each set is slightly different and helps to move your teeth along.
The key to getting great results from your Invisalign treatment is remembering to wear your aligners. Because they are removable it can be tempting to take them out, but we only advise you do this at certain times, such as when you're eating, cleaning your teeth, playing sports or practicing a musical instrument.
You need to wear your aligners for 22 hours per day. You will notice a little blue dot on your aligner. This will fade the more you wear your aligners so it helps you - and us - keep track of how often you're wearing them.
Book your consultation with our treatment coordinator and find out more about the benefits of Invisalign for teens.
Invisalign aligners are a registered medical device, you should always read and follow the label and the instructions of your treating orthodontist.
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Ortho practice in Launceston
19 Brisbane Street,
TAS 7250
Phone number
(03) 6331 7117
Ortho practice in Launceston
15 The Quadrant,
TAS 7315
Phone number
(03) 6331 7117