Are you trying to work out how to fit orthodontic treatment into your already busy lifestyle?
If you’re currently juggling work commitments, travel, family routines and DIY, chances are there’s very little time left in your diary for a visit to the orthodontist.
But at Scott Smith Orthodontics, although we love seeing our patients smile, we also have a way that you can straighten your teeth without needing to make appointments with us.
It’s a smart phone app called dental monitoring.
What is dental monitoring?
Dental monitoring is the latest in orthodontic technology which is making it easier for patients to enjoy the benefits Invisalign and other orthodontic treatment. The software connects to an app on your smart phone which enables you to take photos of your teeth to send to us at the clinic. We can monitor the movement of your teeth simply by looking at these photos and lining them up with your treatment plan. If your teeth are moving as they should be, you don’t need to come in and see us!
Dental monitoring is a smart way (no pun intended, well maybe) to achieve that beautiful smile you’ve always hoped for. And not only does the dental monitoring software ensure precise results from your treatment, it also means you only have to visit us about four times during your 18-month treatment plan (usually we’d require you to book an appointment every six weeks).
So, the next important question…. how do you get started? First things first, book a consultation with us. We still need to see you to kick start your treatment and assess what treatment you could most benefit from. You’ll then need to return for a fitting appointment, which is when we’ll fit you with your appliance. Once that’s complete, follow the three steps below, and you’re well on your way to straight teeth and a beautiful smile:
Booking your free consultation with our team at Scott Smith Orthodontics is quick and easy. Head on over to our consultation page and arrange a time to pop into the clinic. We’ll also be happy to answer any questions you have about dental monitoring.
You should always read and follow the label and the instructions of your treating orthodontist.
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Ortho practice in Launceston
19 Brisbane Street,
TAS 7250
Phone number
(03) 6331 7117
Ortho practice in Launceston
15 The Quadrant,
TAS 7315
Phone number
(03) 6331 7117